Thursday, September 19, 2024

Beer Review - Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen

A yellow can that appears to be a lemon cleaner in a beer like can with lemons on the counter.

As I raised my cup of “Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen” to my face and the bouquet of lemony aroma struck my nose, I had questions.

Is it Pledge (all rights reserved) or is it beer?

If you know what Pledge tastes like, you’ve got bigger concerns than is it beer! Call another adult, call Poison Control, call a medical professional…NOW!

Is it beer or is it a kid’s lemonade?

Also, if you are considering giving a kid a substance that may or may not be beer, I need you to slow down and ask the question again in your head, only say it out loud if alone!

And finally, does it really need a umlat? Yes, it needs an umlat…umlats are cool. They make your words sound fancy as you touch your tongue to your teeth… umlats are cool!

“Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen”, see umlats are fun, is the 2024 Food and Wine Festival's new Schöfferhofer offering at the Germany booth found oddly in the Germany pavilion. You may know and love “Schöfferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen” which you can also find in Germany (and everywhere in the world including beer fridges in Antarctica) with this being a festival variant. Think of it as old man Loki using tons of Ricola cough drops, when “Schöfferhofer Prickly Pear Hefeweizen” was fun-loving Alligator Loki with all his sweetness! It is the official position of Between Pints one should not cuddle alligators. 

A pint of yellowish Schofferhofer Lemon Zest being held in the air.
“Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen”

Stop it Between Pints, and get back to business. “Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen” is a yellowish cloudly wheat beer with a clear but not overly strong lemon flavor. It is not Pledgy-like, or at least what I imagine it would taste like. It’s sweet but not so sweet that it comes off as lemonade to me. Instead, it was a lightly sweet lemon bread, thanks to the wheat style. It carries no IBUs, just the citrus of the added lemon. Untapped is dishonest or confused and says it has a 0 ABV, which would make it wheaty juice! But let’s safely assume it should never be placed in a tippy cup and carries the same 2.5% ABV that other Schöfferhofer hefe’s carry. Yes, at that ABV, you likely could give it and should give it to a young one, young adults trying to drink around the world! Though it may make their reels and TikTok’s less embarrassing or funny as they hit drink number four.

“Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen”, has also caused a great tragedy for this household! I place all the blame on you sir, assuming this beer’s gender! “Schöfferhofer Prickly Pear Hefeweizen” is gone. While it may not have been my favorite, those I cared about found this sweet yet odd is it a fruit, flower, or cactus creation highly beloved! I received many a dirty look when I said it was gone…at least for this moment in time. 

A collage of lemons and various beer sized cans with lemons on them.

Who Drinks This?   “Schöfferhofer Lemon Zest Hefeweizen” is for those who enjoy lemon-flavored muffins and breads. It’s also for those who need to collect them all, drinking every Schöfferhofer flavor they can, keeping those variety packs moving off the shelf of their local grocery store. Finally, for those who want a light beer or beer that does not taste like beer, this is a pint for you.

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